St Andrew's Church, Hornchurch

Church Details

Locking Status
Open during daytime hours - this can vary though - so avoid very early or very late attempts to visit.
C13 Chancel & Arcade

External Images

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - 
		Image reproduced by kind 
		permission of Julie Archer.

Image ID: 0078e001

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - 
		Image reproduced by kind 
		permission of Julie Archer.

Image ID: 0078e002

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - This view of the church from the South shows the parish rooms, which adjoin the church by way of the S door.

Image ID: 0078e003

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - This view directly up the W front of the tower shows the sheer height of the spire and tower combined. Note the small bell across the top window.

Image ID: 0078e004

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - The C13 chancel, with its rather newer buttressing.

Image ID: 0078e005

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - The E wall of the chancel.

Image ID: 0078e006

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - The N porch.

Image ID: 0078e007

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Taken from the church's own website
The horned bull's head on the east end of the chancel is an unusual feature to find on a church, as horns are more generally associated with the devil. It would seem that the church had the horned bull before the town was called Hornchurch, as the first written reference, in 1222, refers to 'monasterium cornutum' or 'horned church/monastery' at Havering. The first reference to the horns on the east end of the church is in 1610 when they were said to be made of lead. When they were repaired in 1824 they were found to be of copper. It is reasonable to suppose they had been replaced during the intervening 200 years, but neither mentions the stone head, merely the horns. There are numerous legends and theories to explain their existence and whilst the truth may remain obscure the head forms a unique feature of the church.
In 1999 the copper horns were stolen from the bulls head. The horns are priceless and were never recovered. The Horns were replaced in 2001 allowing Hornchurch to live up to its name.

Image ID: 0078e008

Internal Images

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - The interior, looking E towards the chancel.

Image ID: 0078i001

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - The C13 chancel.

Image ID: 0078i002

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Looking west. The bell ringers were in action during our visit.

Image ID: 0078i003

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church

Image ID: 0078i004

Glass Images

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - 
		Image reproduced by kind 
		permission of Julie Archer.

From the church's own website
The E window replaces one destroyed by enemy action in the second world war and is dedicated to the memory of Thomas Mashiter. It shows the arms of the Dioceses of Rochester, London, Chelmsford and St Albans and those of the county of Essex and the Urban District of Hornchurch. From L to R this window shows: Edward the Confessor in front of Westminster Abbey holding in his left hand a ring, referring to the legend of Have-a-ring. Next St Andrew, in the centre Christ standing on the shores of a lake, next St Peter and on the extreme right William of Wykeham with New College Oxford in the background. The theme is "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men". The window was designed by Gerald Smith and made by the Nicholson Stained Glass Studio on 1954.

Image ID: 0078g001

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - This first north aisle stained glass is late 19th century. It has three lights depicting Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus with Pilate and Jesus on the road to Calvary.

Image ID: 0078g002

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - This second, north aisle window is early 20th century, and is a memorial to Sarah Williams who lived at Great Langtons. It depicts St Sarah, The Virgin Mary and St Elizabeth and it was designed and made by Haydon Bacon of London.

Image ID: 0078g003

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Taken from the church's own website
The new window on the North side of the Church was installed in 1991 to commemorate the Six Hundredth Anniversary of the connection with New College Oxford. On the left is William of Wykeham in 1391 receiving a document from Richard II allowing him to purchase the lands of the Monks of Montjeux in Havering to endow his new College of St. Mary in Oxford. In it the Church is described as the Parish Church of Havering commonly called the Horned Church. Beneath the figures are the Towers of New College and of the Parish Church. On the right is shown the Parish of 1991 with figures depicting worship outreach and pastoral care covering all ages and the cooperation of men and women and clergy and laity. This activity is shown in the local setting of recent history symbolised by a Spitfire representing the important role of Hornchurch R.A.F. Station in the Battle of Britain and local industry represented by a Ford Fiesta and an Amstrad Computer. Beneath the figures are the daughter churches of St George and St Matthew.

Image ID: 0078g004

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - I am the Good Shepherd. Glass from the S aisle.

Image ID: 0078g005

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Glass from the S aisle.

Image ID: 0078g006

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Glass from the S aisle.

Image ID: 0078g007

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Glass from the S aisle.

Image ID: 0078g008

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Glass from the S aisle.

Image ID: 0078g009

Monument Images

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - Here lyeth the bodies of Francis Rame Esqr 
and Helen his wife wch
Francis departed March 19th 1617 of the age of 80 yeares. And Helen
departed July 11 1613 of the age of 58. They lived together in holy
matrimony 40 yeares havinge IX sonnes and one daughter.

Their godly life and godly end
assureth us that gods their frend
They died in Christ to rise againe
death is not losse to then but gaine
Their faith was strong, their hope was sure
their charitie doth still in duer [endure?]
Here, and in heaven even after death
for love ends not wth mortall breath
Their pilgrimage beinge passed well
Christ calleth them now in heave to dwell.

Image ID: 0078n001

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - 
		This Monument
		was erected by Henry
		and Dorothy Askey, in
		grateful Remembrance
		Esq. who died Dec the 15th
		1784, aged 68 Years.
		his wife, who died April ??
		1772 aged 51 Years.

Image ID: 0078n002

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - To the happy memory of Richard Blakstone.

Image ID: 0078n003

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - SACRED to the memory of Thomas Withrings Esq cheife postmaster of Great Brittaine & Forreigne parts. Second to none, for unfathom'd pollicy unparralleld sagacious & diving genious. Witness his great correspondency in all parts of ye christian world.

	Here lies inter'd whom God from hence did call
	By speedy summons to his funerall
	Upon his sacred Day the world by love
	May judge it was to sing his praise above
	When on his way unto God's house love brings
	Him swifter passage upon Angells wings
	Full spread with zeale whereon his Soule doth fly
	To mercies throne in Twinckling of an eye
	... This Epitaph may all him justly give
	... who dies in Christ he dies not but to live
	... ... In Christo mori est vivere
	... ... Obijt Ano Dni 1651, Aetat suae 55
	His Sonne and Heire with Him here doth lye
	Scarce five yeares old but pregnant then did dye
	Hopefull for virtue of those yeares but all
	Both young and old must hence when God doth call
	And happy are so good exchange to make
	Of this vile world for that to come they take
	... Obijt aetatis suae Ano sere quinto
	... Filius sane tasi Patrae digniffimas

Image ID: 0078n004

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church

Image ID: 0078n005

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church - To the memory of
WILLIAM MASHITER of Cottons Rumford Esqre,
who died 16th June 1811 in the 67th year of his age.

He was great grandson of CUTHBERT MASHITER
of Heysham in the county of Lancaster Esqre,
who was born in the year 1634, died 12th March 1728, aged 94.

BLANDINAH wife of the above WILLIAM MASHITER Esqre
who died 5th Novr 1834, in the 92nd year of her 

This tablet was placed here
in affectionate and grateful remembrance
of his parents

by THOMAS MASHITER of Hornchurch Lodge Esqre.

Image ID: 0078n006

Postcard Images

St Andrew, Hornchurch Church

Image ID: 0078p001

Location Map


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