
Please do be mindful that I am not affiliated with any of the churches showcased on this site. The site covers the church buildings, fabric and furnishings. Please therefore, do not ask me any day-to-day queries regarding these churches. I cannot answer queries relating to weddings, christenings, exorcisms, or anything that your local vicar can do. That's because I am just an ordinary guy, who has no link to any of the churches on these sites - with the exception that I find the architecture, fixtures and fittings exceptionally beautiful and fascinating. You wouldn't believe some of the queries I get. If you have read this far on the page, I truly thank you. From experience of mails I receive, not many people do! I recently had someone telling me that they were going to complain about me, because I was rude, and would not talk to them about an event they wanted to hold in 'my' church. It's for this reason that I have now added the dropdown list below, to hopefully sift out some of the misguided emails.

I do not disclose my email address directly on the web, in order to discourage spam. However, if you use the form below to contact me, you will receive my direct email address with the response.

Now Free of Charge!!

Following popular demand, I now offer complementary and suitable replies to people who do not read the above. Put simply, if you are a numpty, and ask a numptyish question, you will receive an answer suitable for a numpty. So please - make my day - and DO read the above. It's not rocket science.

Copyright 2025 - John Whitworth (